Energy marketing and trading
The objective of the Group's energy marketing and
trading operations is to maximise the return from the
purchase of fuel and the sale of the associated output.
For each of the businesses that operate in merchant
energy markets, local risk committees have been established
to oversee the management of the market, operational and
credit risks arising from the marketing and trading activities.
The committees are made up of the Global and Local
Risk Managers, Directors and senior managers.
The Group hedges its physical generating capacity by
selling forward its electrical output, and purchasing its fuel
input, as and when commercially appropriate and within
approved control limits. This is accomplished through a
range of financial and physical products. Our limited
proprietary trading operations use similar methods.
Energy market risk on our asset and proprietary
portfolios is measured using various techniques including
Value-at-risk (VaR). VaR is used where appropriate and
provides a fair estimate of the net losses or gains which
could be recognised on our portfolios over a certain
period and given a certain probability; it does not provide
an indication of actual results. Scenario analyses are
used to estimate the economic impact of sudden market
movements on the value of our portfolios. This
supplements the other techniques and methodologies
and captures additional market risks.
The Board reviews the effectiveness of established
internal controls through the Audit Committee which
receives reports from management, the Risk Committee,
the Group's internal audit function and the external
auditors on the systems of internal control and risk
management arrangements.
Internal Audit reviews the effectiveness of internal controls
and risk management through a work programme which is
based on the Company's objectives and risk profile and is
agreed with the Audit Committee. Findings are reported
to operational and executive management, with periodic
reporting to the Audit Committee.
Business unit managers provide annual self-certification
statements of compliance with procedures. These statements give assurance that controls are in operation
and confirm that programmes are in place to address any
weaknesses in internal control. The certification process
embraces all areas of material risk. Internal Audit reviews
the statements and reports any significant issues to the
Audit Committee.
Compliance with the Combined Code
During the year the service agreements for both David
Crane and Philip Cox contained a provision whereby if,
before 31 December 2004, their service agreements
were terminated by reason of a change of control of the
Company, then their notice periods would be increased
from 12 months to 24 months. This provision was
agreed by the Remuneration and Appointments
Committee upon the resignation of Peter Giller as CEO
at the end of 2002 to provide security for the Executive
Directors in the event of a change of control. David
Crane's provision lapsed upon his resignation. Philip Cox's
service agreement still has this provision in place. However,
if no change of control takes place before 31 December
2004, then his notice period in the event of a change of
control reverts to 12 months.
In all other respects, the Company has complied with the provisions of the Combined Code throughout the period of the review.
Compliance with the revised Combined Code
The revised Combined Code applies to financial reporting years beginning on or after 1 November 2003; therefore the first reporting year to which the revised Combined Code applies for International Power is the year beginning 1 January 2004. The Board believes that it is broadly compliant with the requirements of the revised Combined Code. The Chairman however is a member of the Audit and Remuneration Committees. An explanation as to why the Company feels this is appropriate is provided in the narrative above. Other principal areas of variance with the revised Code requirements have already been outlined in the corporate governance report for 2003.
US corporate governance compliance
The Company has securities registered in the US and, as a result, it is required to comply with those provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002 (the Act) as it applies to foreign issuers. The Board continues to monitor the new rules arising from the Act and arrangements are also being developed to ensure that the Company will be able to report on its systems of internal controls over financial reporting as required for year ended 31 December 2005.
As recommended by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Company has established a Disclosure Committee comprising the Company Secretary, the head of Internal Audit and representatives of the investor relations, finance and company secretariat departments. The Committee meets regularly and is responsible for performing an oversight and advisory role in the disclosure process for the content and form of the annual report and Form 20-F. The Committee makes recommendations to the CEO, the CFO and the executive management on the adequacy of processes to permit the signing of certifications required by the Act.
In November 2003, the SEC approved changes to the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) related to the corporate governance practices of listed companies. Under these rules, listed foreign private issuers, such as International Power, must disclose any significant ways in which their corporate governance practices differ from those followed by US domestic companies under the NYSE listing standards, There are no significant differences in the corporate governance practices undertaken by International Power as compared to those followed by US domestic companies under the NYSE standards. Under the terms of the NYSE rules, Sir Neville Simms is deemed to be an independent Director as all the payments he receives from the Company are in respect of Directors' fees and therefore his membership of the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Appointments Committee is in accordance with the requirements of the NYSE corporate governance rules. The terms of reference of the Appointments Committee only relate to succession issues rather than corporate governance principles, which are currently reserved to the Board as a whole. |