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8. Exceptional items

  Year ended
31 December
Year ended
31 December
Net operating exceptional items charged/(credited):    
Deeside impairment 45
Rugeley impairment 58
Impairment of US plant 404
Reversal of HUBCO impairment (35)
Net operating exceptional items 369 103
Exceptional income from investments:    
Backlog dividend received from KAPCO (42)
Exceptional income from investments (42)
Total operating exceptional items and investment income 369 61
Non-operating exceptional items credited:    
Profit on disposal of a 5% holding in HUBCO (17)
Profit on disposal of a Czech fixed asset investment (7)
Release of provision in respect of sale of Chinese operations (3)
Non-operating exceptional items (27)
Exceptional interest charges:    
Write off of unamortised finance charges 16
Exceptional interest payable and similar charges 16
Total exceptional items before attributable taxation 358 61
Taxation on exceptional items (26) (1)
Total exceptional items after attributable taxation 332 60
  The revised carrying values of the plants were determined by applying a risk-adjusted discount rate of 9.7% to the post-tax cash flows expected from the plant over their remaining useful lives.